Community Events

Coffee Chat

Promotional image for a Coffee Chat, featuring a cartoon coffee cup and details for a Zoom meeting every Monday.

A group activity for participants to share how their weekends went. Group members also share any plans for the upcoming week!


  • When:

    • Every Monday, 10-11am

  • Where:

    • Virtually on Zoom

  • Contact:

    • Reach out to Adam Ruff for more details or with questions!

Happy Hour

Illustration of two clinking beer mugs on an orange background with information about a happy hour event.

Once a month, ACT gathers at a local spot for drinks. Come unwind with us! (Non-Alcoholic options provided by ACT.)


  • When:

    • The third Thursday of every month, 4-6PM

Sign up for our newsletter to get updates about this month’s location!

Book Club

Flyer for ACT Book Club with a stack of colorful books and meeting details.

Join ACT as we enjoy stories together. Any and all levels of reading are welcome! Catch us in person in the office, or virtually!


  • When:

    • Bi-Weekly on Wednesdays, 4-5PM

  • Where:

    • In-Person at the ACT Office
      1821 University Ave W, #S177
      St. Paul, MN 55104

    • Virtually on Microsoft Teams

  • Contact:

Disability Power Days

Flyer for Disability Power Day with event details and colorful abstract border.

Join us on Zoom every Thursday from 10am-11:15am, except the third week of the month when we meet in person. Disability Power Day is a fun way to get introduced to self-advocacy while connecting with others and celebrating disability pride.

In-person Power Days use interactive methods that are accessible and fun and include a free social lunch at the end. Email Nikki Villavicencio for details.


  • When:

    • Virtually: Every Thursday (except the Third Thursday) – see link in calendar

    • In-Person: Third Thursday of the month

  • Where:

    • Virtually on Zoom or at the Department of Transportation Cafeteria, located at:
      395 John Ireland Blvd
      St Paul, MN 55155

  • Contact:

See all of our upcoming events on our calendar!