Side by Side People’s Chorus
The Side by Side People’s Chorus is a singing group open to all people: that includes people with developmental and intellectual disabilities and also all friends and allies. Launched in 2015, the chorus meets monthly to sing and rehearse, and occasionally perform.
At each rehearsal, we sing, have fun, and eat food. We sing all sorts of songs: some that talk about our pride, our power and our dreams, and some just for fun. The singing is led by Larry Dittberner.
It’s free. It’s fun. All voices welcome!
See the Side by Side People’s Chorus songbook here!
To be a part of our chorus, please contact chorus leader, Larry Dittberner. You must register with Larry before attending.
Chorus Practice & Event Dates:
Check out our calendar for upcoming practices! All practices will include a free dinner!
Practice Venue:
Accord – 1515 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, MN 55108
Parking and entrance on east side of building, follow Metro Mobility Signs.