Disability Pride Festival

Large event at the Capitol with people sitting under white tents with Disability Pride spelled out in big letters.

Disability Pride is a time for recognition and celebration of the Disabled identity and the unique culture of disability communities.

Disability Pride is an opportunity for everyone to show off their whole selves and be PROUD of exactly who they are!

When the ADA was passed in 1990, Disability Pride started to blossom into a worldwide celebration. The movement continued to grow over the years. In 2023, Gov. Tim Walz declared July as Disability Pride Month in Minnesota. ACT hosted the first official disability pride event in Minnesota in 2023.

Disability Pride celebrates the intersectionality of each individual, but is not directly affiliated with LGBTQIA+ Pride in June. While Disability pride celebrates all of the identities that make up an individual including gender & sexual orientation, these intersections are not the only focus of disability pride.

The 3rd Annual ACT Disability Pride Festival will be on July 17th, 2025!

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